LTC Newsletter – December 2023
Summing It Up!
We’re guessing that most of you can’t even believe it….but to state the obvious, year-end 2023 is upon us!
While we are all rushing about to polish off our to-do lists and make sure that we’ve completed all our pre-holiday tasks both at home and in the office, there is one important business opportunity that we should not miss: An interactive “year in review” with your employees.
To help make this simple and practical, authors Karen Hurt and David Dye have prepared a list of 7 thoughtful questions to discuss with your team. ( The questions range from a review of your “personal bests” to what you might do differently given the chance. It’s all about a bit of reflection to identify opportunities to continue to grow as people, leaders, and teams in the year to come.
As we reflect at LTC, the most obvious sense we have is one of intense GRATITUDE! We have grown and flourished in 2023 through work with our amazing team of professionals here, and work with a wonderful and growing group of clients and friends! We’re also incredibly excited to become part of the expanded services at IMA Financial Group. THANK YOU for helping us to learn and grow and serve…. It’s always an honor, and never more so than in this past year.
We wish you and yours a wonderful, safe, and healthy holiday season!
-The Team at LTC Performance